Isn't he cute? He needs a name. Tor asked me if I wanted to give an alpaca a home last week. I thought he was talking about a
Huacaya alpaca. As soon as I saw the mop on this guy, I wondered. Turns out to be a S
uri alpaca from Illinois. He needs a name! Suggestions please. It is a desert tree or flower year, so that is my only requirement. Of course, it can't be one
that I have already used. I have not named a lot of them this year, since I am going to have to sell a bunch of the
This guy is three years old and an intact male. He is not registered, but I am in the business
for fiber, so will breed him to Jennifer (or vice
versa?) in late December or January.

He is very docile and walked easily on a lead. I might keep doing it to keep him tame.

Don't know why they like to leave the hair on the legs and tail.

Went to take out
the compost tonight. I ALWAYS use a flashlight. Just missed stepping on this guy. It is a garter snake, so I left him alone and had Marc and Kyle come out to admire him. The brownish spot at
the lower left is a hole in the ground. He was obviously waiting for something to pop out of that hole.

Ugly fella!

Here are two of Garnet's Jacobs lambs from this year. the one with his back to us is a
wether, since one of his
horns is not considered acceptable. I am not registering the Jacobs, but would like to keep the lines clear. His brother has two gorgeous well formed horns. He is still intact and I hope to find a buyer before next spring. Actually I would like to find homes for both, but am sticking with my policy of reasonable prices, since I want to be sure that the new owners can also feed them. No bargain basement prices. The
wether is $100, the ram is $150.

Kyle's ducklings are almost as big as the duck that sat on the nest. She obviously was promiscuous, because every one of the babies is a different color -
matching one of the drakes!

On Friday I taught my
freeform spinning class. We had just gotten to the coiling and it was an instant hit.

My latest batch of yarns, piled up ready for pricing. I pulled the blue one that is at the lower left to knit up into a scarf. It is a funky yarn and I figured I better try it out before spinning a lot more of it up.

This is the yarn, mentioned above, knitted up. I always recommend garter stitch for
handspuns and especially for the ones with texture. I might end up
freeforming the two ends to make the scarf long enough.
I do believe I am almost caught up again. I have started designing another crochet shawl. I will probably just make it large enough to be a decorative collar, since the skein o
f yarn was a sample. I should not do that!