Wednesday, October 7, 2009

4th Avenue Street Fair

I got my booth assignment yesterday for the street fair. It is # 347 and it is north of where I was in the spring, but still on the west side. A year and a half ago I was in booth 345. I am trying to stay in the same area, so I will be easier to find. This winter's dates are December 11-13.

I will be packing the shop up for the Patagonia Fall Arts Festival on Thursday afternoon at 3 p.m. A friend will keep the shop open for those looking for batts and roving. I will be leaving some yarn behind as well. My booth is 25, the same as last year. Hope to see some of you there.

1 comment:

Sheri Karobonik said...

I figured that you would not mind that I tweeted and face booked this post. sheri