Friday, September 25, 2009

Carding Batts

I have been busy carding batts and rovings. Yesterday was all shades of gray and today all greens. I am amazed at how many variations there are and I was just choosing from piles of fiber that were recently washed.
Show season starts in two weeks. I have the Patagonia Fall Arts Festival October 9-11 followed by my own Tucson Wool Festival the weekend after - the 17th of October. Hope you all have it on your calendars. It should be a lot of fun. I am getting calls from people who are listing it in their newspapers and newsletters. Pass the word. If they type in Tucson wool in their search engines, the wool festival page of my website will appear among the top places. A quick and easy way to route them to the information.
Have to go hit the gym. After raking an hour this evening, I am not in the mood. I decided to knit the Red Hat Society skein into a scarf. I used the best fibers in it and it is knitting up lovely.
I could knit my way through all of the fun yarns very quickly. I am going to do a music or a medical skein next. Want to help me decide?


Indie Shop Owner of Flutterby Fibers said...

My vote is for the MUSICAL skein!! Can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve and on your bobbin! And I'm spinning and knitting etc in anticipation of having my first booth at your Tucson Wool Festival... very excited! ~ Laura

~ Phyllis ~ said...

All that fiber looks lovely.

Barb Gadola said...

I think raking qualifies as a workout! You have my vote for the musical theme.