Yesterday Marc heard goslings cheeping under the goose that has tried to nest the last four years. This year she was finally successful.
I went to try to get photos, but the goose was not budging and the gander started coming after me. I am not a fan of being bit, so I used the zoom on my camera and got some good photos.
This afternoon I saw both geese in a different part of the pond and thought the mom might have been taking a break. Walked over to check her out and discovered that she had 7 goslings sitting next to her.
They all slowly moved back into the water and cruised the entire pond. I was pretty amazed to see them swimming at a day old.
Not sure that the goose will return to her nest. She went back on the grass near her nest.
I am so glad to see that her goslings made it. Kind of sad to see them fly off by themselves every summer.
That fox is now running around the fields where my goats and sheep are. We are filling in the spots where she has dug under fences. So glad she will not be able to get the geese since they will swim into the pond to get away.
A Fairly Good Day
1 week ago
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