Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Off to Indianapolis for the Knitters Guild of America Show


 Above is the batch of fiber that I am giving away through Spinartiste's blog. She is doing a feature on me fairly soon, so keep an eye out for it. People who read the article and make comments are entered in the drawing. They are all natural colored super soft fiber from my animals. Includes kid mohair, Merino, Shetland and alpaca.
 Our front yard is now fenced in and we are periodically letting the sheep and goats take turns cropping it down. Currently the males are getting the honors. Above is a photo of the ewes out. They have been well behaved when visitors have driven through the gates and they show no interest in  cars or trucks.
My garden is growing wild and hopefully will survive my being gone to Indianapolis for a show. It does not appear to be a huge show, since it has only 48 vendors, but it is nice to have somewhere to go in the summer that is different. My husband will be watching the animals while I am gone.
Unfortunately, a lot of the kids have developed Coccidia and a small few have edema. Having kept all of my notes from last year and watching them like a hawk, I split the kids from moms immediately (instant weaning since they are all old enough), and started treating. I have only one that seems serious, but he should be fine, since he is now eating and drinking normally. I have placed all the ones that I worry about in a stall, so they will be on a dry lot till I get back. It will also make it easier for Marc to find them. Last treatment is tonight for most of them. My microscope and centrifuge have really made a difference in the survival rate.
Will keep you posted on the Show!

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