First was born last week. He grew lot during the 6 days that I was gone to Stitches. He is obviously going to be a red with blue eyes. He is out of Ruby and the red buck that I bought at Del Mar.

Stitches West was pretty disappointing this year. The attendance was way down and the young people were mostly vendor assistants. There were also a lot less vendors. The ones I needed things from were not there and several went from 4 spaces to just one. The sun might have been shining outside - but it was dreary for those of us who were not putting yarns on sale or selling cheap products. My customers are artists and there were few of them at this show. Most of the independent breederswere also absent. Time for me to move on.

I am busy preparing for our move to Maryland. The shop is set back up for the last time. It will all come down on the 15
th of March. I plan to pack 2 suitcases with fiber to keep me sane once the household goods are gone. My Gem is going to go into a suitcase. Can't live without it!
I went out this morning and counted the animals by breed, sex and ages for the health certificate. I also checked to see how far along their pregnancies are. No one looks like today, but then last week Ruby surprised me. She is a second time mom and had no udders till after that kid was born.
Are you going to be traveling with your animals? What if they go into labor on the road? Yikes. You will have your hands full. You already do based on the photo of your new baby. So cute.
Sorry to hear that the show was not a hit.
Tor and one of his friends are driving. I will fly out the afternoon that they leave so I will be there for closing and to be sure that we are ready for them.
It's kind of crazy how you set up a whole store for each show. So much work!
It is a lot of work. If I had not had your Dad's hotel ponts, I would have been seriously in the hole and mad. Can't count it as advertising, since most people don't buy online when it is yarn.
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