Friday, April 30, 2010

Out for an afternoon stroll

Seven of the eight eggs that Ugly was sitting on hatched on Tuesday. By Wednesday afternoon, Ugly abandoned the nest and took her babies for a walk. The proud papa was determined to be in on the action.
No stragglers were allowed! This year was far different one from the first year that goslings were born. The first year Ugly and the other geese looked at the babies, as if they were aliens. They bit the beaks off the babies, pecked them till they bled, and even killed one. The goslings then were born one at a time and we had to rush to take them away. Now we can leave them out. When it is time for a nap, all of the goslings go inside Ugly's wings. You would never even know that they are there.
I was planning on a freeform shawl in red, black, and white, but decided to go with natural shades with sage green and gold added.

I have already spun 400 yards and started knitting. I chose a size US 13 needle this time, because there is more bulky yarn and I like garments to drape well.

Above is the first necklace I spun. It is a gorgeous sage green and charcoal combination, but does not show up against the jacket, so I spun another with a deeper black motif. Have to have that wow factor! There are lots of novelties throw in, so it is pretty impressive in a close up.
I do feel like I got a project runway assignment!

1 comment:

Shirley said...

I didn't know you were going to 'rebuild' your gaggle of geese. I would love to watch one of my hens raise baby chicks. I have a friend who could give me some of her fertile chicken eggs so I may try this one year. I also have several broody hens that would love nothing better than to sit on eggs all day long.