I can't find any, and I need 4, two does and two bucks! Xavier is name used, but I did not see it listed anywhere. Do I have to skip it and jump to Y?
I will wait till morning in hopes that someone can help me out!
Lace Weight Yarn
6 days ago
Xan (a name of one of my cousins) and I had a student once Xolon...and my step-mom's grandfather was named E.X. (initials only)... Those are the X's I've known.
I looked on http://www.placenames.com/us/04/ and did not see any "X" names for the state.
I looked on www.placenames.com/us/04/ and did not see any "X" names for the state.
Nope, caint find no X names. Why are you already at the end of the alphabet? You can't possibly have that many babies!
xina.....princess warrior...
whoops. misspelled that...should be xena, princess warrior! this is from wikipedia....Xena is the protagonist of the story, and the series depicts her adventures fighting evil in a heavily fictionalized ancient Greece. In her own series, Xena sets out to redeem her murderous past by fighting against tyranny and evil and protecting the innocent and weak.
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