Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New colors

I just listed this yarn on my etsy shop. It was a lot of fun to spin, since they are not my usual colors. I named it South of the Border, since it reminds me of the Mexican colors that you see in their pottery. I am spinning a single to go along with it. I can just see it being knitted up in the yellow and green shawl pattern that I wrote. A friend bought a skein of the freeform yarn that had flowers that I had crocheted in it. They looked so cool knitted up that I decided to start adding some to yarns on a regular basis.
I am busy on a new freeform shawl. It is in shades of pink, blue, and white. I have already started sewing the pieces together and plan to get a few more attached tonight. I am hoping that I can exert some self control and not make it quite as large as the last one. My goal is to have it almost done by the 28th of January, when the Tucson Visitor Center volunteers come out to take a tour of the ranch.

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