It has been a very wet spring and summer. Mushrooms are popping up everywhere. I do not know whether any of these are edible and I have no interest in trying to eat any of them. These mushrooms are the most colorful and were under the willow oak tree in the front yard.
All of the rest of the mushrooms featured were found in the wood pile from last year's storms. The trees chopped up were all sugar maple. From my reading, certain trees have specific mushrooms associated with them.
This is a wild looking set of mushrooms.
These were the ugliest mushrooms. So dark.
The mushrooms above and below were the largest ones.
Some animal has already eaten this mushroom.
Another not so pretty set of mushrooms. I plan to walk our woods and search for mushrooms, if it does not rain. And, rain is in the forecast for today.
If anyone knows what mushrooms these are, I would love to know!
A Fairly Good Day
1 week ago