I am listing the above and below yarns on etsy this afternoon. It takes a while, which is why I will never be able to feature all of my yarns. I have signed up for four shows, so I am busy spinning again.
This is the view of my freeform hat upside down. The freeform part turned out rather heavy based on the yarns I chose, so I knitted the ribbing with elastic yarn and used only 56 stitches instead of my usual 66. It would make a cute bowl or bag, but I plan to keep it as a hat. The extra layers around the ears will help block the wind in winter.

Our hay! Finally found a farmer willing to cut it for us. Now we just need to get the weather to cooperate. Since it will be the first time for us, I plan to photograph all of the steps. It is currently waist high.
This is a close up view of some of the grass/hay. I thought it was pretty with the sun shining on it. I am so used to seeing the grass cut and never flowering.
I am getting lots of queries about Flower and Orphan. Orphan has a very sweet disposition. Both of them will follow just like a puppy with the occasional stop to nibble on a tall piece of grass.Orphan is very pushy when I go out to feed. He has actually drunk three bottles at one time. I thought he was going to bust. When they got like this in Tucson, I started feeding through the fence. I won't be able to do that here. Pixie, our part Maine Coon cat has no fear. She got right up to Orphan, but the camera was too slow to capture the picture.
The alpacas have figured out that it is okay to go in the barn. They are rather stupid, since we had a gully washer last night - thunderstorm and pouring rain, so Marc and I could pretend that we were in Tucson during a monsoon. We sat on the front porch to eat dinner and watch the river run down our driveway. He sure cannot complain the he has not had his fair share of rain!
I am also creating nuno felting kits and will be listing them online. The pink silk and the roving on the left have already sold. I will feature another one with a different colored silk. I am also listing rovings. Based on the number of hits on the one listed already, there is not a lot of interest in kid mohair rovings.