The Sacramento Festival of the Arts was supposed to be a working show, but it became an opportunity for my sisters and I to get together. My sister, Nadia (on the left), flew in from Boston and is modeling my Layered Collar. Paula, on the right, lives in the area and is modeling my Southwestern Shawl. I am wearing the Freeform Bolero that I finished last night. Fortunately, Nadia and and another vendor took pictures of the Bolero because it sold half hour later!
The show is always more exciting when my sisters are around. They have had a blast running around talking to other vendors and in some cases rearranging their displays to help their sales. They modeled my designs and attracted a lot of attention to my booth.
My Thick and Thin Dress has been really popular. I wish it were not so hard to make another one - I have too many ideas for new designs, so I don't want to go make another.
I will not be home till November 10, since I plan to visit with my sisters for a few days. I have an appointment on Friday, so do call before coming out.