I just got back from the Albuquerque Fiber Fiesta. Foot traffic was slow, so I got a pound of yarn spun. I just wound it into skeins to be washed.
I go to the shows with the intentions of making money to feed the animals and gleaning inspiration for new projects. I met lots of doll makers and was seriously impressed by the workmanship. My sister and I did buy Topaz, from Arley
Berryhill. A search on his name will give you his website. Gorgeous!
I saw a different type of doll that is within my skill level, so I bought the pattern to make it. I have already decided that I do not want to make the face, so I am going to use material that I bought from s
ewbatik to make the body. The abstract fabric will lend itself to the design. I also will be able to show another use of kid mohair and of the felted fabric that I intend to start making.
Lynnae of Chamomile Connections was in the booth next to me. When it got too slow in the afternoon, we got our wheels into the corridor, so we could chat with each other and other vendors. I am spinning from one of the huge
batts, while
Lynnae is spinning some of her space dyed Merino

The silver buck is my favorite. Unfortunately, I cannot use him for breeding since he is related to all of the blacks. He is gorgeous and he is for sale. So are a lot of other goats and sheep. The feed jumped from $10.15 to $14.50 a bag, so I am
going to have to downsize now and not in the fall as I usually do. The sales will not be at
firesale/auction prices. They are all registered. Some will be going to Del Mar with my friend, Tor, for the
CAGBA and Angora goat shows there next month.

This is the buck's fleece close up. It is just now starting to curl. We have very low humidity. The first rain will curl all of the mohair fleeces.

Went out to feed the Shetlands this
evening and discovered two ewe lambs One blends right into the dirt. The mom is a first timer, so she will stay in the barn for a few days. Her babies are tiny, but they have both been on mom.

This ewe lamb is
almost a week old. She
was born last
Monday and I had to bottle feed her. Her mother is behind her and enormous in comparison. The mother's milk is now in and baby is doing well, so Marc let them out of the barn yesterday,w
hile I was gone.

Marc discovered the mom and ram lamb when he went out to feed last night. The mom has Jacob and Border Leicester, as well as Shetland in her back ground. The lamb has more Shetland. I will be selling both of them. They are a long hair breed. The lamb
might fade to gray or white by fall.

I will be home for most of June and July. I plan to go to Del Mar and see my son, Kyle, at the same time. I also have a show at the end of July in Pasadena. I hope to get a lot of these fleeces washed and carded. Dealing with my Dad's estate has really slowed me down, but most of that is now taken care of, so I will have more fiber time!
If you would like a workshop, let me know and I will try to schedule it. I won't be teaching in August or September.
I am also reducing my prices on batts for the next month. Crazy batts off the Louet carder are $4, the batts off the Elsa carder (huge carder) are $5, and the batts off the Supercard are $6. Do come and check out the selection.