Barbara's daughter had twin bucks on Wednesday and Barbara herself had twin does late this afternoon. She is my oldest doe and I was a little worried since she gave me Chinless last year, but she did all of the work herself and the babies appear to be healthy.
No red kids this year, but I have plenty of fleeces in that color from previous years, so it is
OK. The silver buck gave me mostly bucks, one silver buck and the rest are all going to be shades of
black and charcoal. Some have very cute faces and their moms are easy to pick out.

A friend has encouraged me to enter some pieces in a competition, so I rephotographed the blanket above, since I have so many pictures that I could not find the one that I took years ago. They are looking for more entries. They have to be made from any natural fiber. Their website is, if you are interested in entering something.

A sampling of yarns spun over
the last week. The green is going into the knitted landscape that I am making on the size 35 needles. It is turning out well. It will be wider than the last one and
could be used as a rug.